Performance quality

Now that the technique assessment is approaching I can see that the dancers are making a conscious effort to display their dance performance skills. I can see this through the projection and focus of their movement. When the class were still learning their phrases their focus would be down, or they would be staring into space because they were concentrating so much on remembering the movement and performing it effectively. Now that the dancers have shown an improvement in their movement memory, I can really see them looking around the space as they are dancing this makes them look like they are becoming more confident in their performance. Within the next few classes I believe the focus will show continuous improvement for the dancers.

The cohort is now also putting a lot more effort into their movement. In release technique Alice said to the class “Please imagine that you are auditioning for a dance company, and this is your only chance”. After this was said the whole class performed their sequences to a much higher standard, displaying a greater performance quality.

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